
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shopping Extravaganza

My time in the
Majuro during mid service has been fun and definitely needed. When we first got into Majuro, it was a bit
of a culture shock. Coming from a small
island of 600 people into Majuro with 15,000 people. Crazy.
The cars and the taxis and the CHOICES.
Going into the Payless here to buy groceries took me more than an hour.
I ended up only buying yogurt, milk, cheese and cereal. Oh and pop tarts. Why did it take me so long? Well, I frequently stopped in the middle of
the aisle and just stared at all the different things. I had to peruse EVERY aisle and look at all
the stuff just in case. It was more of
an entertainment outing than an actual errand.
In Payless there are about 20 different types of cereal. That was too much for me, I can't even
remember seeing so much diversity since my time here. Can you imagine how I'll react when I go to
Safeway in the States? I'll need a whole day to pick up a dozen items.

One of my favorite
Majuro pastimes is to go into each and every store and look at all the
stuff. I've been to dozens of stores now
and I've bought hardly anything. I just
like to look at the things. I feel very
much like a country bumpkin. There are
some things in the RMI that cost a ridiculous amount though. For instance, toilet paper is on average
12-15 dollars for a 12 pack. I might be
wrong but I think that's excessive.
Candy here is outrageous. For
those little miniature snickers bags, it's 7-8 dollars. What?
Sorry, about that, it was a bit of a boring rant but I thought you
should know…

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