
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

MIR and the various characters

After spending 3
days and nights at MIR, I can say that it is one of my favorite places in the
RMI. We would do our mid-service modules
and then at night head down to the bar and mingle with who ever was there. The first night, we met the Minister of
Finance who hung out with us and bought the World Teach a round of beers and
then introduced us to the Marshall Islands wrestling Olympian, Waylon?. He told us all about his wrestling history
and where he's going in the next couple of months.

The next night, we
met a guy from the Kwajalein base who actually knew Anna and was dating the
previous WorldTeach on Santo. He was an
interesting character and gave us all sorts of information about Kwajalein and
what it's like to live there.

Finally, the last
night we were there, we met Yvonne, who has an amazing karaoke voice and is
super friendly. We figured out after talking to her that she actually lived
very closet o Liz, another volunteer in Chicago. Small World.
All in all, we met some amazing people in the MIR
lobby/restaurant/bar. Made some awesome
connections and had some interesting convesations. Go MIR!

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