
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back to my Island

So this morning, I get on a flight back to Wotje. Of course this is conditional on whether the plane actually flies. There is a funeral on another island so the planeis chartered for the morning. There may not even be a flight. But just in case, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for sending me letters or packages. It is extremely appreciated since communication here is so unreliable, the one thing that does show up on a more consistent basis are letters.
My time in majuro has been spent running around trying to find supplies for the next 5 months and also applying for jobs. I was able to piece together several resumes and cover letters but the bulk of mysearch will have to be done when I get back. There is only so much I can accomplish in 2 days with borrowed internet. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time in Majuro, I got to spend time with the other amazing volunteers, learn some new guitar songs (thank you for putting up with me Matt) and eat a ridiculous amount of cheese. All in all it was an awesome trip but I'm glad to be going back to Wotje.
This may very well be the last blog post for the next 5 months because the internet on Wotje is off again, on again. Most recently, off again. So if you don't see an update for awhile, that's the reason. I hope you all have an amazing New Year and I'll see a lot of you in June!!!

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