
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who Knew You Could Bake a Cake in a Microwave?

As you've probably realized, I'm learning a lot fo things during my time in the Marshalls. Many of them revolve around the daily life here in Wotje. For example, I've learned that the best way to open a coconut without husking is to use a machete. Regular kitchen knives are a hassle. I've also learned that in order to eat fresh fish, you need two hands. One to eat with and one to wave in front of your plate to keep the swarm of flies away. By trial and error, I've also learned that the mosquitoes love the color black. In addition to these lessons, I also get very creative when it comes to cooking.
One night this week, my host sister, Marleen splurged and bought some cake mix. After Ketty's birthday cake, apparently I'm the cake-master. I was enlisted to help make it except that the convection oven I used before died. Such a dilemma...the batter's made and Marleen and Lala are looking at me like, "Well? Do your ripelle thing. Make us some cake." Having never baked a cake without an oven, I adopted the island way and just shrugged and threw it in the microwave. I had to turn it every couple minutes because the turntable broke and it was definitely not the prettiest cake, but it made everyone happy. So now I know. Microwaves are the BEST INVENTION EVER.
As far as teaching goes, I'm loving it although it is so exhausting. I have to carve out an hour a day for me to just decompress. It's very satisfying and my kids make me laugh everyday. I have some pictures that I'll load soon.
I want to thank my Aunt Sally, Jessie, LIz in Kwajalein, and Aussie Matt in Arno for sending my letters! It gets pretty lonely out here. Also Susan King for her incredible box of books. I've already read 3 in addition to 5 from the Dartmouth library. Thank you!
For Kathleen's Momma - I talked to her on Wednesday and she's doing good. She's loving her classes and she's started reading them chapter books complete with character voices. She had a little trouble finding a suitable textbook but it all worked out. She's thinking about doing some phonics with the younger guys. I sent her a Snickers and a Coke as an End-of-Your-First-Week present. (If you couldn't tell, we love Snickers here) :)

1 comment:

  1. pie in a pan and now cake in a microwave? is there any baked goods that you can't make?!??!?!?!
