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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Welcome Party

It's a tradition here in the Marshall Islands to throw a welcome party for the newcomers. These parties consist of heaps (for the Aussies) of food and singing and speeches. My elementary school threw me a welcome party on Monday although I've been here for awhile. We've all been so caught up in getting school started that they forgot. It's alright because the food made up for everything.
They piled me with three plates full of fried fish, sashimi, fried chicken, hotdogs, and salted fish. Then they gave me another plate with pumpkin, breadfuit mashed, breadfruit fried, breadfuit with coconut sauce, and breadfruit raw. Can you tell it's breadfruit season? Then another plate witht he baked goods, cookies, little cakes, bread, rice, and these little coconut drop cookies that are AMAZING. Then they also gave me coconut milk AND a Dr. Pepper. Such an eclectic mix of food and I was only able to make a dent in the first plate, but no worries, my host brothers polished off the rest.
In addition to the wonderful food, my principal got up and made a speech as well as a couple other teachers. Then, my favorite part, the Kindergarten teacher, Limon, got up and sang me a song on her ukulele about mosquitoes. This song was complete with hand motions. Classic Kinder. Then she pantomimed how her husband was shot in WWII. I quickly added up the years and there is no way she's that old. But then who am I to contradict her story...
All in all it was an awesome party and I'm excited to work with such generous and kind people.
Kathleen's Mama: Carleigh, the Dartmouth director, went out to Wodmej on Thursday and took Kathleen's package with her. I also sent out little cakes so she can hand them out to her students on Halloween. Carleigh says the whole island saw the cakes and was really excited. I got another manila envelope with a bunch of letters for her on Saturday so I'm sure some of your stuff is in there. She seems to be doing well and I beat her at Cribbage last Sunday. Pretty typical.

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