
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bieber Fever

As most people know, Justin Bieber is something of a phenomenon among preteen girls. This is most apparent here in the Marshall Islands. The girls (and boys) here love his songs and they know every word and will sing it ad nauseum. For example, a few weeks ago, Kathleen (the
other volunteer on Wodmej), went swimming or tutu in iaar with a couple little girls. Once we had figured out they really like music, we both started singing Summer's Night from Grease. But we were not to be out done and these little 4th grade girls started belting out Baby Baby Baby by the Biebs. Thinking this was hilarious, we continued with the song awhile and then tried to move on to Lady Gaga or some Disney songs but the girls eventually brought us back to JB. We sang the few songs I have in my Bieber repertoire for the next 30 minutes. When we couldn't handle it anymore, we went back to my house where we listened to anything other than my only Justin Bieber song.

If you think that this obsession is only for children, think again. Every time someone sees my ipod or hears my music playing, I only have to wait 10 seconds before they follow up with the dreaded question, "Do you have Justin Bieber?". If I'm feeling generous, I will play my lone Bieber song. Most times I tell them no and give a sad face and they move on to Chris Brown and Eminem. Justin Bieber is something of an idol for young and old here on Wotje. I hear his songs everywhere and even little Kindergartners are singing the choruses of his more catchy tunes. Justin Bieber is truly an international sensation.

Other than my musings on Justin Bieber, I have been working a lot to complete lesson plans and prepare for my 3, 5, 6, 8 and 8th grade health classes. They are all doing great and for the most part of paying attention and being respectful with only a few hiccups. There were two funeral this week and I attended the first one. Here on Wotje, the entire island turns out for a funeral. There is food and several days of prayers with everyone from babies to the elderly showing up to pay their respects. On a lighter note, I learned the Marshallese version of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and then sang it with my Kindergartners. It was a big hit.

I wanted to give a shout out to Kathleen's mom. Kathleen came by this afternoon and she's doing well. She's been cleaning her classroom and is excited for classes to start on Monday. She borrowed Charlotte's Web and Because of Winn Dixie to read to her classes. She ate two Snickers and says hi! :)

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