
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Here are some pictures I've taken recently. The first is my cousin, Clorissa. She likes to throw sand at me but she's awesome. The second is Laura, my field director who is stuck here for 4 weeks because the plane broke. She's having a good time though. The next it Clorissa, her friend and her baby sister Mimi is the background. Mimi is very suspicious of white people and up until a couple weeks ago, she cried everytime she saw one. Mostly Kathleen, but I got a few tears too. Now she smiles and waves but approaches like I'm a wild animal. Progress has been made though, she gave me a cracker AND touched my hand. Then she ran away.
The last picture is my mama helping fish, we got a lot of fish that day.

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