
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Some of the other volunteers have referred to this in-between time as Purgatory and I think it fits. We're stuck in Majuro with no idea of when we could leave but we have to be packed and ready just in case. Then if we do get told we're leaving, we may get to the airport and be sent back because the flight is cancelled. Our days consist of waiting, drinking iced tea, walking the mean streets of Majuro and playing cards. In the words of my fellow prisoner Stephanie, "We've become professional waiters." Stephanie has it worse than me because she's not even sure of what island she's going to. Her mom sent her an email titled, Patience is a Virtue. Another volunteer Mary Helen informed us that Patience is the most overrated virtue...
These are the types of discussions we're having in Purgatory.

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