
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sea Turtles and Muumuus

So unfortunately I wrote out some really witty and funny blogs but I can't find the USB plug in on this computer so I think I'll have to improvise...

I'll figure this whole thing out soon.

Anyway, there is a story I wanted to share with everyone about the first night a group of us decided to go out into Majuro to a couple bars. We currently live in a school in Ajeltaki which is about 40 minutes away. The only way to get into town is to hitchhike but it's common here and not dangerous. So we get all gussied up in out new muumuus which are amazing! Our field director said that "You can never go wrong with a muumuu here." This seems counter-intuitive but we go along. So everyone is dressed up and taking pictures like we're going to a Marshallese prom and it starts to rain. Well, the rain here lasts only about 20 minutes but it's basically monsoon style rain. We wait it out and meanwhile cars keep passing and when it finally stops, so do the cars. We wait on the side of the road for about 30 minutes and then we start walking. Now, in our group of 7, there is only one guy with a flashlight or headlamp. We're all following him and get about 100 yards when a truck pulls over. Riding in the back of a truck is the closest thing to air conditioning in Ajeltaki so we were all stoked. A couple of us hop up into in the bed of the truck and in the darkness we seem a dim outline of something lying in the bed. There is a chorus of "What is that?!" The people about to climb in are one leg out and one leg in, frozen trying to see what's in this truck. Finally, the guy with the flashlight shows up, points it into the bed and we see a HUGE ****ing SEA TURTLE lying on it's back, waving it's flippers. This thing took up half the space of the truck bed and was clearly still alive. We all hopped down and stood gasping/laughing while the driver laughed and sped away. Needless to say, that ended all desire to go out and I spent the rest of the night playing cards.

*Marshallese people eat sea turtles...

I had a couple other stories but I'm going to wait until I can figure out the USB. I also have pictures but those will have to wait til next time as well.

Bar lo eok!

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