
The ideas and views expressed in the blog are mine and do not reflect the ideas and views of WorldTeach.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A real teacher!

Last night I met the two Dartmouth volunteers that will be on my island with me. Their names are John and Gabe and they seem to be really nice guys. Poor Gabe was sitting at my table for trivia and the rest of the WorldTeach volunteers were giving him hell for going to Dartmouth. They were relentless. The guy definitely stuck up for himself but had a sense fo humor about the situaction. How can you not?
Also last night I got licensed as a REAL Marshallese teacher. I got a nice little 7 X 9 card to prove it. I also go the chance to meet my principal who is awesome and very excided to have me at the school. He let me know that my host family is set and I'm stoked because my host dad is a doctor on the island which makes me feel much better about getting injured or watever happens. Yay! i also talked to the volunteer who was with that family last year and she says that they speak English very well and they they are a pretty Westernized family. In a way, this is good beccause they will give me a little more leeway as far as mistakes and misunderstandings. I'm getting really pumped about this and I can't wai tot have my own classroom!

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